Monday, February 22, 2016

EVO Minecraft Server: Zombie Villager Curing Center

It is with pleasure that we announce the establishment of the first Zombie Villager Curing Center on the EVO Minecraft MOOC Server.  Through the gracious contribution of BardRose, under whose home the center is located, we were able to secure an area to help those villagers afflicted with the horrible zombie virus.  We have established a beach-side entrance to the center outside of BardRose's home so that she will not be disturbed further by visitors traipsing through her lovely home.

We are also happy to announce that the first patient was successfully cured.  We first administered the appropriate medicine (Splash Potion of Weakness), and we followed that with the right nutrition (Golden Apple).  As you can see by the before and after pictures, our treatment was successful.  Our new patient is currently recovering in his small, but adequate room until our Recovery Village Center can be built and he can be transferred successfully.
Before Treatment

After Treatment

Our new Weapon Smith has agreed to continue his business of trading coal to our citizens for emeralds, as he did before he was infected.  As you can see by the picture below, his emerald price is reasonable.  We hope members of the community will stop by and visit our new patient, and perhaps lend a hand in administering treatment to other infected villagers.  The rewards for participating are very rewarding (XP)!
Trading Window

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for helping people get the information they need. Great stuff as usual. Keep up the great work!!!
    Minecraft Server
