Thursday, February 25, 2016

Villager Recovery Center Completed

New Villager Recovery Center
Our new Villager Recovery Center is complete thanks to the help of BardRose, and our "treated" villagers have been transferred to their new homes.  Villagers seem quite content in their new sea-side community.  Many have formed deep connections, and we have witnessed several moments of outward love towards one another.  These events even brought about some new baby villagers!

Although the villagers seem to be doing quite well in their new abode, we did discover that those villagers with farming aptitudes were unable to utilize their skills.  Usually brown-coat villagers collect crops, especially wheat, and feed bread to the other villagers.  Unfortunately the gamerule that prevents mob griefing, most notably creeper explosions, prevents brown-coat villagers from collecting crops.  Although changing this gamerule would contribute to the growth of the village (i.e. increase villager population), I know we all would prefer the rule be kept in place to prevent any damage to our properties.

Inside the Bottom Floor of the Two-Story Building
One curious observation that we noticed about the villagers, is that they all love to gather at night on the bottom floor of the two-story building.  Occasionally, we will see a lone villager in one of the other single-story homes.  We are not sure why this is happening, other than they all may be enjoying the books provided by the small library.  We plan to add more libraries as well as other amenities (furnaces, etc.) to the other buildings to see if this is indeed is the cause.

Fantastic Trades!
We encourage all who visit the EVO MOOC server to trade with the villagers.  Many have some great trades, like the Tool Smith who offers a lovely Diamond Pickaxe with Unbreaking II, Silk Touch I and Efficiency II!  This is certain to make your mining expeditions more enjoyable. Trading with villagers will also give them some purpose, and in turn, encourage them to start families (i.e. increase their population).  I know everyone would enjoy seeing "little ones" running about!

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